27 May 2015
The 2014 Competenz Annual Report highlights the results Competenz has achieved in its first full year of operations since it merged with four other Industry Training Organisations (ITOs) between 2013 and 2014.
“Listening to our 37 industries was high on our board agenda in 2014, and continues to be a focus for us in 2015 and beyond,” says Competenz Chair Mike Simm.
“Since May 2014 we’ve brought together over 100 people from all the industries we represent, in Rotorua, Wellington, Christchurch, Invercargill, South and West Auckland. Foresters have talked with plastics manufacturers, printers with furniture makers, butchers with naval personnel, managers from corporates with owner operators from engineering workshops,” says Simm.
“They’ve all told us that building and retaining a skilled workforce is more important than ever.”
Click here to view the 2014 Competenz Annual Report to learn how the organisation works with businesses and learners to help them build their skills.