Training cost reimbursements

Everything forestry assessors and employers need to know to make a claim

The first year Fees Free scheme will finish at the end of 2024 and be replaced with a final-year Fees Free scheme starting from January 2025. 

The current scheme covers ākonga (learner) fees for up to two years of training up to $12,000, provided they are enrolled in a programme of 120 credits or more at Level 3 or above and meet the Tertiary Education Commission's (TEC) eligibility criteria.

The first-year Fees Free will continue to operate until 31 December 2025.

Learn more about the changes to the first-year Fees Free policy here.

What is covered?

  • Training costs paid to an external trainer for Fees Free eligible learners enrolled in a training agreement with Competenz.
  • The training costs related to the achievement of unit standards required for the programme the specified learners are enrolled in.

Not sure if you are eligible to claim reimbursement? Use this form to find out.

How do I claim Fees Free reimbursements?


For any questions about the Fees Free training reimbursement process, please email us.

How do I claim TTAF reimbursements?

Read the instructions in Tab 1

Print, complete, sign and scan the declaration in Tab 2

Complete the learner details required in Tab 3, using the example in Tab 4 as a guide
Create an invoice for the applicable training costs you are claiming from Competenz.
Email the following to
  1. The completed, signed and scanned declaration form (found in Tab 2 of the spreadsheet)
  2. The completed learners’ details populated in the Excel spreadsheet
  3. Your trainer’s invoice
  4. Your company’s invoice to Competenz
If you have any questions about this process, please contact your account manager or email us.