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job opportunitiesWhakarārangihia tētahi mahi

Make it easy for the right job candidates to find you

How does the job board work?

  • Our job board system makes it easy to write and post your job advert using our step-by-step job ad builder, and it helps you to get in front of the right candidates
  • When a candidate has applied for a role and provides permission, we'll send you their application and CV details
  • If you chose to take them forward to interview you'll have the option to provide feedback to help us maintain candidate quality
  • Once you've found someone we'll help make sure your business is set up for helping your learner succeed and set up a training programme that meets your business's goals
  • If you need someone now, visit our candidate page with profiles of available learners who looking for employment.

How will Competenz help?

  • Advertise your job on our website for free
  • Get your ad in front of the right people through weekly job email updates to job seekers and via our media partnerships
  • Moderate all candidate profiles and job ads
  • Help create a training plan to help your learner achieve success.

How do I get started?

Are you ready to post your job now? Fill out the form below. Have questions? Contact us.

Download and fill out our career job brief template, then email the brief back to recruitmentsolutions@competenz.org.nz

Or start by selecting "I am an employer" on the form below. This form should take three minutes and is valuable to speed up the process and secure you the right candidate.

Download the employer handbook