You’ll get qualified without a student loan, all while learning practical skills from industry experts. You can put that money towards something else you really want – might be a new car, new tools or a new house.
Your current employer might let you do an apprenticeship. All they need is the right information about how to make it work. Read up on the information for employers here. It will help you reassure your boss that it’s a good idea for both you and them.
If you and your current boss think an apprenticeship is right for you, here's how it works:
Do you think an apprenticeship is what you want to do in the future? There are a few things you can do to give yourself the best chance of success.
Great! Many employers are keen to upskill their team. Talk to your boss about starting an apprenticeship—show them how it can benefit both you and the company. If they’re interested, we can help them get set up. Plus, if you’ve already got experience, you may be able to get some of your skills officially recognised as part of your training.
Thinking about an apprenticeship after school? Here’s how to get a head start:
If you're keen to jump straight into a trade, check out our get ready for your trade career page for tips on finding an apprenticeship.
Let’s get you on the road to a hands-on, rewarding career in the trades! Click here to contact us today.