ATNZ 2016 Annual Report

31 May 2017

The 2016 ATNZ Annual Report highlights the results ATNZ has achieved over the course of last year, with a focus on where ATNZ is moving towards in 2017/2018.

"During 2016, we spoke personally to many owners of seconding companies who support ATNZ apprentices. We asked them what keeps them up at night, and what they think are the keys to their future success.

"They told us that recruitment, craftsmanship and community were the keys to responding to the challenge."

"In 2017, you’ll see us working on more advances in all these areas, bringing laser-focus to our service model, trialling services for the future, and working with apprentices and seconding companies to expand the success of ATNZ." says John Blakey, Chairman, ATNZ Trust.

View 2016 ATNZ Annual Report
