Can I be a trainee?

To become a trainee, in simple terms you need to; be 16 or older and be legally allowed to work in New Zealand.

Here are some more details:

  • You are 16 years of age or over (unless you have an early leaving exemption certificate from the Ministry of Education)
  • You are employed in New Zealand OR
  • You are a self-employed contractor working in New Zealand under an arrangement with an organisation in the nature of employment OR
  • You are volunteering in New Zealand under an arrangement with an organisation in the nature of employment, where the Tertiary Education Commission has granted permission for you to access funded training as a volunteer
  • You have a valid form of identity documentation OR
  • If you are a non-New Zealand citizen you must have a legal right to reside and work in New Zealand for the anticipated duration of your traineeship. You will need a visa or work permit that confirms this.
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