April 28, 2020
A message from Fiona Kingsford, Competenz CEO
Kia ora
As we have now officially moved into COVID-19 Alert Level 3, this update details how Competenz will be working with you during this time.
Training advisor/account manager visits
In line with the guidelines provided by the Ministry of Health, Competenz training advisors and account managers will continue with virtual visits. Apprentice or learner visits will be conducted via video call or phone. As is normal practice, you will be contacted ahead of time to make arrangements.
Staying on top of the book work
Now is a good time for learners to get on top of their theory work. If learners have any questions about their book work, their training advisor or account manager is there to assist.
Learning support
We have been investigating how we may offer our learners webinars and other online learning options to continue to support you in the weeks ahead and will communicate that information when we have these in place.
During Alert Level 3, external assessors will be unable to visit learners onsite. However, if your business is operational and you are able to assess onsite, it is important that learners continue to work through their on-job assessments. Please ensure that they continue to demonstrate knowledge, capture evidence, have their work verified, and submit their assessments.
Block courses/off-the-job training
In line with our operating protocols under Alert Level 3 and for the safety of our learners,employers and our people, Competenz will not be organising any in-person block courses, study groups, night classes or public courses. Block courses will begin again six weeks after we move from Alert Level 3 to Alert Level 2 (subject to guidance from the Ministry of Health), to give you sufficient time to plan for attendance. We will be prioritising learners that have already had block courses paid for, that have subsequently been postponed due to COVID-19. Some virtual study options are also being explored.
We will keep you informed as circumstances change in these uncertain times. In the meantime, please stay safe and well.
Ngā mihi
Fiona Kingsford
Competenz CEO