New Zealand Certificate in Binding and Finishing

The purpose of this qualification is to provide the binding and finishing sector of the print industry with individuals who have attained appropriate capabilities and competencies to work in the industry as a skilled print finisher, hand bookbinder or machine bookbinder without supervision.

The qualification is designed for people who are working as bindery operators and who wish to progress to undertaking high level specialised production activities in one of the areas of print finishing, hand bookbinding or machine bookbinding.  

Knowledge and skills that are recognised by this qualification will support: competent job performance; the future introduction of new technologies within the sector; and further personal up-skilling in the workplace, particularly in areas such as production training and supervision.

This level 4 qualification has been developed to provide a supportive learning pathway from the level three New Zealand Certificate in Binding and Finishing (Level 3) [Ref:1816] which is a pre-requisite, and to lead on to qualifications in management.

NZQA qualification overview





