New Zealand Certificate in Distribution (Level 3) with optional strand in Mechanised Goods Handling


Optional strand in Mechanised Goods Handling

Gain the knowledge and operational skills required to safely operate as a distribution operator in warehousing, distribution and supply. Able to operate at an entry-level under limited supervision. Trainees may choose to specialise in mechanised goods handling on completing the New Zealand Certificate in Distribution (Level 3) by completing the optional strand in Mechanical Goods Handling. This strand recognises the additional specialised skills and knowledge required to use mechanised goods handling equipment in a distribution environment.

Learning outcomes - graduates will be able to:

  • Apply health and safety practices
  • Communicate with staff, managers and customers
  • Apply standard operating procedures
  • Receive and dispatch goods appropriately
  • Carry out store operations and inventory control.  

Graduates of the Mechanised Goods Handling strand will also be able to:

  • Use mechanised goods handling machinery and equipment in a distribution environment
  • Safely and efficiently use a forklift.

Approximate duration

9 -13 months

NZQA qualification overview





