Maritime Crew

Career information

Sound like you?

Study areas
  • Sciences or Workshop Technologies
  • Physical Education or Health.
  • Confident communicator
  • Reasonable strength and fitness
  • Good initiative/‘can do’ attitude
  • Good work habits and time management.
Helpful experience
  • Customer service or helping people
  • Working with machinery
  • Making or fixing things
  • Coastguard boating courses
  • Lifesaving
  • Experience on boats
Preferred work environments
  • Outdoors (marine)


  • No minimum entry requirement
Entry level jobs


  • Deck crew
  • Passenger Crew
  • Engineering Crew
  • Fishing Crew
  • Watch Ratings
Advancing jobs

Higher learning

  • Mate/Master/Skipper
  • Electro-Technical Officer
  • Marine Engineer

What do they do?

Maritime crew may assist in vessel operations, fishing and taking care of passengers. Crew work on all kinds of vessels - passenger vessels, superyachts, commercial fishing vessels, charter boats, coastal freight ships, tankers and navy ships. Larger passenger boats have specialist hospitality crew. Fishing vessel crew may also operate fishing gear and large fishing vessels have a crew who process the fish.

A typical day

Typically shift work of varying hours and weekend work is common.

Deck crew assist with vessel operations, maintenance, cargo and emergency procedures. Fishing crew assists with fishing, cleaning, and processing fish. Passenger crew look after passengers, including preparing and serving meals..

The logistics sector needs skilled people

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